Saturday, August 04, 2007

VIDEO -Keith Olbermann and Jonathan Turley about the FISA ACT

Jonathan Turley is a constitutional lawyer who is interviewed by Keith Olbermann about the updates Bush wants about the FISA Act.

Bush is holding Congress open until they pass a new FISA Act that gives the president more power to spy. He wants to put the DOJ/Alberto Gonzales in charge of this. Watch this video and you will get a good idea of what Bush and his Admin is trying to do. After the major problems with Alberto, Bush wants to give him more to screw up.

Keith Olbermann, Jonathan Turley, FISA Changes 8/3/07

Keith talks with Jonathan Turley about Bush's demand that Congress accede to his demands for FISA changes. 8/3/07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.