Monday, October 01, 2007


Today on The Young Turks, Michael Hirsh spoke of Seymour Hersh from the New Yorker Magazine and his latest predictions on the likelihood of strikes against Iran.  The audio segment can be heard here.

During the interview Hirsh discusses the role of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.  It wasn't that long ago when many on the left including myself had serious doubts about Roberts ability to maintain objectivity.  While Defense Secretary Gates has long and controversial ties with various Bush administrations, some now look at him as the man who stands in the way of war with Iran.

I only began looking at Robert as a voice of reason when I heard of Admiral Fallon's description of General Petraeus as an Ass Kissing Chicken Shit.  I asked myself how Admiral Fallon got his post at CENTCOM and learned that it was Robert who installed him in that post.  So I say give Robert Gates space.

Michael Hirsh is the first to confirm to me that Gates and Cheney are the opposing voices pulling George into the future.  How can we help Robert?

Today Navy Adm. Mike Mullen is scheduled to replace Marine Gen. Peter Pace.  He is already on record as saying the military is over stretched.  Robert Gates also nominated Adm. Mullen as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Let's watch and hope that reason triumphs over greed.  Could the Gates gate be in his choice of nominations?

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