Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gonzales appearing before the Seante Judiciary Committee today

The committee meeting has just started on C-SPAN. The opening statements by the Senate committee members. And the Gonzales.

He's been practicing for this meeting for quite awhile. Will he evade? Will he tell the truth?

From the NY Times:

Investigators have already determined that Mr. Gonzales spoke directly three times with Senator Pete V. Domenici, Republican of New Mexico, about his complaints regarding David C. Iglesias, the states former top federal prosecutor.

Administration officials have confirmed that Mr. Gonzales also spoke with President Bush and Karl Rove, the presidents chief political adviser, about the perceived lack of enthusiasm in Mr. Iglesiass office, among others, for prosecuting voting fraud cases, a top Republican Party priority. And investigators know that Mr. Iglesiass name was among the last to be added to the ouster list.

Lets see what shakes out of this committee meeting.

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