Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Personal Story involving Big Pharma

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?


By Mayo Clinic staff

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory form of arthritis that causes joint pain and damage. Rheumatoid arthritis attacks the lining of your joints (synovium) causing swelling that can result in aching and throbbing and eventually deformity. Sometimes rheumatoid arthritis symptoms make even the simplest activities — such as opening a jar or taking a walk — difficult to manage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is two to three times more common in women than in men and generally occurs between the ages of 40 and 60. But rheumatoid arthritis can also affect young children and older adults.

There's no cure for rheumatoid arthritis. With proper treatment, a strategy for joint protection and changes in lifestyle, you can live a long, productive life with rheumatoid arthritis.

Because of this condition my rheumatologist put me on a drug called Vioxx from the drug maker Merck. Vioxx was a wonder drug that helped the symptoms of the arthritis. And it did. But the deadly secret was that this wonder drug had serious side effects.

Vioxx Recall and Vioxx Side Effects

All About Vioxx and the Vioxx Global Recall

Vioxx Consumer Guide provides information about the Vioxx recall and the significant heart attack and other cardiovascular side effects of Vioxx. The Vioxx recall was a landmark event amidst many safety warnings during 2004 and 2005 about Vioxx side effects and the side effects of other COX-2 inhibitor drugs.

Rofecoxib, commercially known as Vioxx, is a pain reliever developed and produced by the pharmaceutical giant Merck and Co.

From taking this drug, I developed Atrial Fibrillation...

What Is Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation (A-tre-al fi-bri-LA-shun), or AF, is the most common arrhythmia (ah-RITH-me-ah). An arrhythmia is a problem with the speed or rhythm of the heartbeat. A disorder in the heart’s electrical system causes AF and other types of arrhythmia.

AF occurs when rapid, disorganized electrical signals in the heart’s two upper chambers, called the atria (AY-tree-uh), cause them to contract very fast and irregularly (this is called fibrillation). As a result, blood pools in the atria and isn’t pumped completely into the heart’s two lower chambers, called the ventricles (VEN-trih-kuls). When this happens, the heart’s upper and lower chambers don’t work together as they should.

Because of this secondary condition I developed after taking the drug, I was transported by ambulance to the hospital emergency room approximately 20 times in 5 years. I had no heart problem prior to taking this drug and always had low blood pressure.

So because of this I joined many who were suing Merck because they failed to disclose this side effect when they put this drug on the market. They also failed to disclose this to the FDA. There have been many stories about this and how Merck didn't provide the findings of cardiovascular problems while taking Vioxx. The internet is full of articles.

Merck put together a committee called the Vioxx Gates Committee and would hear and decide each suit. So in essence they took away are day in court. And our government went along with this.

My claim has finally been decided and this is what was sent to me by the law firm that supposedly was fighting for us.

I regret to inform you that after reviewing your Vioxx claim, the Vioxx Gates Committee has determined that your claim fails one or more of the necessary criteria and does not meet the Eligibility Requirements to participate in the Vioxx Settlement Program. In particular, your claim failed to pass the injury gate as there is no record of an actual heart attack; the injury your records indicate , an atrial fibrillation, falls short of the injury requirement.

So because I got help right away and was given medication to prevent the atrial fib from going into a full heart attack or stroke, I was refused. So my day in court was really not a day in court. It was decided by people that work for Merck who found a way to limit their liability with the help of our Government.


maggiesboy said...

...and Merck pushed Vioxx like popcorn on the public knowing full well of the side effects but they weren't worried because they knew they'd ultimately be policing themselves.

Would be interesting to find the names behind the votes that regulated away judicial oversight in this instance.

toniD said...

The attorney said I would have to get an expert to prove that my condition was caused by Vioxx.

They said they found nothing in my hospital records that would point to my use of vioxx as the cause. Even though I did not have this problem prior to taking vioxx.

There was a judge overseeing the vioxx claims from Louisiana. But the committee made the decisions from a preset package of conditions.

It just stinks!

maggiesboy said...

That's why they try the case there, it's fixed from the start.

Fernando said...

This is making me so angry that I'm literally shaking.

I'm so sorry to hear this t.

Cat Chew said...

I'd been wondering about the disposition of your case. Talk about adding insult to injury... I'm glad you can't hear the string of invectives I'm muttering.

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