Monday, July 02, 2007

Illinois Business-4th of July, March in Wheaton

Operation Turn DuPage Blue is asking people to march with them in the Wheaton, Il (DuPage County) Parade.

Here are the details:

Even though Operation Turn DuPage Blue is a fairly new group, we are marching in 7 parades on the 4th of July! OTDB T-shirts will likely still be available but to order ahead of time please send an email to with number and sizes of shirts (M, L, XL, XXL).

WHEATON Parade Step off is 10:00. The surrounding streets close to cars at 9:00 AM, so plan to park (in surrounding neighborhoods) and walk. You may come at 9 AM if you like. There is some pre-parade work to do if you are there early.


Assembly is in the DuPage Medical Group parking lot, 1800 N. Main, Wheaton, at the south WEST corner of Main and Cole, at the first traffic signal south of Geneva Rd. The parade will proceed south on Main to Wesley, then west to Wheaton, south to Front and east to Cross.

We will provide signs and items to pass out.

OTDB is marching along with the Milton Township Democrats. Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois State Treasurer, will be marching with us! Lisa Madigan will be marching in the parade as well, in her own entry. There will also be DuPage for Edwards marchers and staffers/supporters from the Obama campaign.

Email for more info:

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