Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bush Vetos Stem Cell Research Bill

This has been devastating to me because I have one of the deseases that could be helped by this research.

If you have a chance, Michael Morre's new movie "Sicko" opens this week in many cities, try to see it:

Go see the film and take a crowd this weekend! You are going to love it! Leaflet and organize people to fight for national single payer healthcare after they see the film. Michael Moore came out for H.R. 676 yesterday at the Congressional press conference…called on everyone to contact their Members of Congress to get them signed on.

Marilyn Clement,

National Coordinator


Michael Moore’s office informed us that SiCKO will be premiered in 49 cities THIS SATURDAY. It is critical that we get this information out because the distribution of the film next Friday will depend on the numbers they see on Saturday. I have included the link to the web site and a listing of the theaters below. Can you help us get the word out and pack each theater NATIONALLY?

Please distribute widely asking people to go even if they suspect they won’t get in or will have to stand in line.

The distribution company is looking at a very limited release of the film because they don’t know if people will see a film about health care. We can show them that SiCKO will be THE film of the summer and that health reform matters to people.


Michael Moore’s latest film, ‘Sicko,’ was a smash hit over the weekend. The documentary about the health care industry was sold out at all its ’sneak’ screenings in 43 locations around the country including Cleveland, Boston, Atlanta, and Detroit.”