Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lorita Doan Hearing befor the House Oversight Committee

I am going to cross post, here, updates and videos of the hearing from Think Progress and TPM Muckraker and other blogs along with their links.

From Think Progress:

Emanuel calls on Bush to fire or suspend Doan. This morning, Lurita “cookies on the table” Doan will testify before the House oversight committee, just days after the Office of Special Counsel called on President Bush to punish Doan “to the fullest extent” for violating the Hatch Act. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) released the following statement:

For years, the Bush Administration has tried to turn the federal government into another arm of the Republican Party. At every level of government, the President has put politics first. But it’s never too late to do the right thing. President Bush should heed the special counsel’s report, and fire or suspend Ms. Doan immediately - the administration should not offer amnesty for GSA Directors who violate the law.

UPDATE: The Gavel will have highlights from the hearing throughout the day. Here is Rep. Henry Waxman’s opening statement:

WAXMAN: Ms. Doan didn’t just disparage the employees [who gave information about her statements to the Committee], under oath she told the Special Counsel, and again I quote, ‘until extensive rehabilitation of their performance occurs, they will not be getting promoted, they will not be getting bonuses or special awards or anything of that nature.’ Apparently Ms. Doan’s position is that it is fine for her to retaliate against her employees by denying them promotions, bonuses and awards so long as she does so in secret and no one knows about it.

And the Waxman Video from YouTube:

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