Sunday, June 24, 2007

Illinosians speak out about Cheney

My home state Sen. Dick Durbin and Rep. Rahm Emanual chime in on Cheney. First Sen. Durbin's speech on the Senate floor about Cheney's statement that he is exempt from inspection of his Classified Information by the National Archives:

And Emanual's take on Cheney's move:

Washington, D.C. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel
issued the following statement regarding his amendment to cut funding
for the Office of the Vice President from the bill that funds the
executive branch. The legislation -- the Financial Services and General
Government Appropriations bill -- will be considered on the floor of
the House of Representatives next week.

"The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal
case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive
branch. However, if he demands executive branch funding he cannot
ignore executive branch rules. At the very least, the Vice President
should be consistent. This amendment will ensure that the Vice
President's funding is consistent with his legal arguments. I have
worked closely with my colleagues on this amendment and will continue
to pursue this measure in the coming days."

On Thursday, Emanuel suggested that if Cheney feels his office is not part of the executive branch "he should return the salary the American taxpayers have been paying him since January 2001, and move out of the home for which they are footing the bill."

Emanuel also released the following graphic satirizing the situation:

And Rep. Henry Waxman has written Cheney a letter. Check out his letter from the Gavel.

1 comment:

Cat Chew said...

Hiya, Toni! I saw your blog at Sam's (much too early this morning). Nice set on the rogue state of Lesser Dickistan!

The graphics for this Blogger template shouldn't be wider than 400 pixels. Changing the width and height to 400 and 200 for the branches of government one ought to work, I think.