Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chairman Henry Waxman gives closing remarks and calls for Doan’s resignation:

Chairman Waxman:
“It’s unusual for me to ever call for the resignation of a federal official, but in your case I don’t see any other course of action that will protect the interests of your agency and the federal taxpayer. No one can be an effective leader who has abused the trust of her employees, and threatened to deny promotions and bonuses to employees for telling the truth. And no one can be an effective leader who has lost the public’s confidence, politicizing the agency and violating the Hatch Act. Yet that is exactly what you have done. I give you my opinion, just as others have given you their opinion. It will be up to the President of the United States who appointed you to decide what to do with the recommendation by this Office of Special Counsel that recommends the President remove you from this office. I would urge you to resign.”

1 comment:

Fernando said...

That rainy January 2001. There were mobs in the streets after the Supremes appointed TPOTUS. Everyone was talking about bringing morality and dignity to the White House.

In my head I was furious because we had suffered so much when he was just a weak Governor in Texas. I thought, how will he ruin the country? I was convinced things would get bad. So damn depressing to live in the Bush years.

Listening to Doan made me want to hurl. She sounds just like the rest of the pack of liars.

I wonder how she remembers to brush her teeth in the morning? Who monitors if she remembers to take medicine when ill? What is the use of wearing clear perscription glasses as she appears truly blind. With the government backed insurance, she should also consider getting her hearing checked or replacing the batteries on her aid.

Pathological just got bumpped to a new level!